SEMrush Coupon Code 2018
Try SEMrush For Free For 14 Days!
Note: Generally, Semrush offers 7 Days Free Trial. But it’s a special deal for RTB readers. You can use SEMrush Pro Account for free for 14 days. Grab the deal before it’s too late.
SEMrush is an all-in-one SEO tool that lets you analyze your competitors’ keywords, track your rankings, check your backlinks, find profitable keywords, run SEO audit and many more. The only downside of the tool is its prices, which start from $69.65/month for PRO account.
If you are like me who don’t want to invest that much money with using the tool practically, this deal is for you. Just use this promo link and get a 14 Days SEMrush Free Trial. You can cancel your subscription within the trial period without paying any penny.
Follow These Steps To Get SEMrush Free Trial
Step 1: At first, click on this Promo Link and you will be taken to the SEMrush membership page.
Step 2: Make sure that your today’s charge is $0.00.

Step 3: Now enter your account information, billing information and billing address properly. You will have to give your billing information to prove that you are not a fraud, but it won’t charge any money for the trial period. However, you can use Payoneer card information as billing information.

Step 4: After providing your all information, click on ‘PLACE THE ORDER’ button and enjoy your free trial.

You can cancel your account within 14 days without paying anything.
What If You Already Have a Free Account?
Don’t worry. You can still upgrade from free account to Pro account with 14 days free trial.
Just login to your free account and follow this link. Now provide your payment information and upgrade your account.
You can cancel your Pro account anytime by emailing to SEMrush team. However, I am pretty sure you will love this tool.
Should I Use SEMrush After the Trial Period?
It’s up to you. If you think it’s the right SEO tool for you, you can continue using it.
If you are in budget and want to cancel the subscription within 14 days, try to collect as many data (keywords, backlinks, etc) as you can within the trial period.
However, you can do few amazing things with SEMrush free account.
For now, enjoy the free account. And don’t forget to share this offer on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+.
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