I’ve invested my first online money ($15.01) on buying hosting and made my first good amount of online money ($1800) from web hosting affiliates. Yeah, it’s true and amazing. If you’ve some ideas about web hosting, you can make money too. If you don’t have, don’t worry. In this post I will be talking about how to make money with web hosting affiliate programs. And I will show you every techniques I am using to generate web hosting sales.
When I bought hosting from Hostgator I didn’t have any idea that I can make money with their affiliate program. One day I was checking a blogger’s income report and I’ve noticed that he earned a good amount of money from HostGator affiliate. So I thought why wouldn’t I? Then I promoted a special HostGator offer by writing a blog post. Luckily that post got a good rank in Google. And I got some quick sales. That time I realized that web hosting affiliates can generate some real cash for me. I started using several techniques to increase my sales. I am going to share those techniques with you. Here is a screenshot of my HostGator affiliate commission.
However, if you are not associated with any web hosting affiliate program, here are some top web hosts that offer good amount of money ($50-$150 per sale) to their affiliate marketers.
- HostGator – Make $50 – $150 per sale.
- Bluehost – Make $65.00 per referral.
- Dreamhost – Make $97.00 per sale.
- Godaddy – Make $10 – $100 per sale.
- SiteGround – $50 – $150 per sale.
If you are using any other web host, you can join their affiliate program and promote them. But it’s always easy to get sale by promoting renowned hosts.
Now let’s see how you can promote web hosting on your blog. Here are 6 tips that really work. These tips are specially for bloggers and I won’t be talking about any paid promotion methods here.
1. Write a Review
Write a honest review about your web hosting provider. There is always some cons on every service. Don’t hesitate to share the cons to your readers. It won’t decrease your sale, but will increase your credibility. Don’t make your review as a promotional speech. And never write a review of the product that you didn’t use.
Here are some tips to write a good review.
- Share the pros and cons of the service.
- Give your rating for the service. You can use Author hReview Plugin to do that.
- Use important keywords like price, problem, review, comparison etc to drive traffic from search engines. (Ex: Hostgator Review)
- Use your affiliate links.
- If you really like the service, give some strong reasons why you recommend it.
- And give your personal experience with the service like how long have you been using this service.
If you’ve used more than one web hosts, then you may consider writing a comparison between them. It will help your readers to pick the better one.
2. Write Tutorial Posts
Tutorial (How to) Posts are one of the most common types of content on the internet. And they are very popular. You can drive a lot of traffic from search engine by writing these types of post. More traffic means more sales. If your niche is related with blogging, WordPress or web hosting, you can write some tutorial posts to generate sale.
Example: How to Set Up a WordPress Blog with HostGator
3. Promote Coupon Codes & Special Offers
This is the most easiest way to make money from Web Hosting Affiliate. Web Hosting companies offer discount coupon to increase their sales. Everyone likes discounts. You can take this advantage by sharing discount coupon with your readers with blog posts or social networking sites. The amazing thing is that web hosts like HostGator, DreamHost offer custom coupon to their affiliates. For example, I’ve created a Hostgator custom coupon code “RTBHOSTING25“. If someone uses this coupon, S/he will get 25% discount on purchase and I will get a sale. It’s a win-win situation. (Ex: Hostgator Coupon Code)
Another easy way to generate sales is promoting special offers. Most of the web hosting companies offer huge discounts on special days like Black Friday or Cyber Monday.
4. Free WordPress Installation Service
Many bloggers (even pro bloggers) offer free WordPress Installation Service in their blog. The idea is that they will set up a WordPress blog for you, in return you’ll have to buy web hosting from their recommended hosting with their affiliate link. You will get your blog set up for free and they will earn commission from hosting. It’s a win win deal.
If you already own a WordPress blog and know how to set up a WordPress blog, you can offer this service to your readers.
However, you can use other incentive offers to gain more sales. And make sure you are not violating affiliate terms and conditions.
5. Show Which Host You Are Using
If your readers find your site fast, they may be interested to know which host you are using. So it’s a good idea to show your readers who is hosting your site. You can use banner or put a affiliate link on your blog’s footer to let your readers know about your hosting.
6. Partner up with a Web Host
You can also partner up with a host that will give special discount to your readers. If you want to partner up with a renown host, then you’ll need to generate some good amount of sales. Once you’ve a good amount of sales, you can ask host provider to make a special promo page for you or to offer some special discounts to your visitors.
So these are some techniques that I’ve been using for a while and I am getting good results. And I am pretty sure if you do the same, you will be able to make money from Web Hosting affiliates. But it will take time.
[thrive_text_block color=”note” headline=””]Read: 17 Smart Ways to Increase Affiliate Sales (Without Increasing Traffic) [/thrive_text_block]
Over to You
Now I would like to give you a precaution. I’ve seen that some bloggers became desperate after getting some sales. They start promoting web hosting desperately on their blogs. I am not saying there is anything wrong on promoting web hosting seriously. But if you publish more posts on web hosting rather then your main topic, then it may hurt your regular readers. As a result you may loose some valuable readers. So be aware about it.
Hope this post will help you to make money from web hosting affiliates. Let us know if you’ve any query regarding this. If you are already a web hosting affiliate, do share your experience with us. And consider sharing this post on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.
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