Introducing Ultimate Blocks – The Best Gutenberg Blocks Plugin For Bloggers

Introducing Ultimate Blocks

Since the creation of WordPress for over a decade now, it has been the same editor – the Classic Editor.

But with the release of WordPress 5.0, WordPress has introduced a new editor – the Gutenberg Editor. Since then, all the talk has been about the Gutenberg Editor.

While it has some amazing features, a significant number of WordPress users didn’t like it and switched back to Classic Editor. The active installations of Classic Editor say it all.

Whether you like it or not, Gutenberg is the future where WordPress is heading to.

The great thing about Gutenberg is, you can extend the functionalities of it by using a Gutenberg Blocks Plugin.

And the good news is, we have been developing a Gutenberg plugin for a while. Now it’s available on the WordPress repository.

It’s Ultimate Blocks. We have specially designed this plugin for bloggers.

Yes, it can help you to write better and engaging content. Here’s I’ll introduce you with Ultimate Blocks and all the features it offers.

Let starts get started.

An Introduction to Ultimate Blocks

Ultimate Blocks is a Gutenberg blocks plugin for bloggers and marketers. It currently gives you access to 17 blocks, with extra blocks being added regularly to make it the ultimate plugin for Gutenberg editor.

Ultimate Blocks

One of the things you’ll notice is that many of these functionalities (blocks) are available as a separate plugin. Now you don’t need to use multiple plugins to add things like table of contents, tabs, accordion, click to tweet, etc.

And the great part is, you can disable any of the blocks that you don’t want to keep your site faster.

Custom Gutenberg Blocks Offered by Ultimate Blocks

Ultimate Blocks extends the functionalities of Gutenberg editor by adding custom blocks. Currently, it has the following blocks.

*This table of contents is created with Ultimate Blocks.

Now let’s dive deep into each one of the blocks.

1. Table Of Contents

Since more people are going after creating longer and more-detailed guides to rank higher in Google, the need for a table of contents has increased. People started adding it to their ultimate guides to make it easier for readers to jump to where they want to read.

And not to mention that Google shows the table of contents links in SERPs.

There are a handful number of table of contents plugins available. But most of them are outdated. Even the most popular one (Table of Contents Plus) has not been updated for the last 3 years.

That’s why we have added an advanced ‘Table of Content’ block. It automatically generates the table of contents from post headings.

You can also configure things like –

  • Changing the name of the table of contents.
  • Showing table of contents in one, two, or even three columns.
  • Changing the list styles (Bullet, Numbered, and Plain styles).
  • Excluding headings (h1 – h6) from the table of contents.
  • Showing or hiding the table of contents by using toggle option.
Table of Contents created with Ultimate Blocks

2. Content Toggle

Content Toggle enables you to add content in a block where it can be displayed, and the user can minimize it. It is popularly used in many FAQ pages where every question is a content toggle. You can expand a specific question you want to see the answer. This prevents the answers from opening all at once.

You can make it collapsed as default or not depending on your preference. Users can collapse or expand them as they want. It is simple to use.

You also have control over the color of the container and the color of the title.

Ultimate Blocks is a Gutenberg plugin that has more than 15 custom blocks.

Ultimate Blocks

Yes, it’s free. You can download it from WordPress repository.

Yes, you need to have WordPress 5.0 updated to use this plugin.

3. Tabbed Content

By using this block, you can show content in tabs where the reader can see the different content by switching tabs.

It’s the best way to show a huge amount of content in a small place. For example, the different features of your product and so on.

Not to mention that you have complete control over the colors of the tab content and have different customization options for the active tabs and so on.

Her is an example of tabbed content lives on the site:

This is tab one.

This is tab two with an image.

Introducing Ultimate Blocks - The Best Gutenberg Blocks Plugin For Bloggers 1

This is tab 3 with button.

4. Review (Schema Enabled)

Do you want to increase affiliate sales form your review posts?

If yes, then this block is for you. It allows you to add a conversion optimized review box in your blog posts with schema markup.

That means the star ratings will appear on the Google SERPs which will bring more CTRs as well as sales.

And the great part is that you can customize everything from the star’s color to the button’s color.

Ultimate Blocks

Istiak Rayhan

Ease of Use


The Ultimate Plugin for Gutenberg Editor.


5. Call To Action

Want to have a clean, easy-to-customize call to action that increases conversion and gets you better results?

Then you need to choose the Call to Action block provided by Ultimate Blocks. The Call to Action block style in this plugin is a simple and elegant block that you can add to your content to help guide your audience to do the action you want them to do.

And yes, you have complete control over how the block looks. You can customize background color, content font color, button color, border color, size of the button itself, the font, size of the content, and much more.

Get Ultimate Blocks Now!

Just click on the below button and download Ultimate Blocks for free!

6. Feature Box

You can add a feature box that displays the different features of your product or the product that you review. It is great to highlight those features. You could also add images to display in the box to show the features.

You can choose the number of columns available in the block as you want. This helps you display the right amount of info about your products or services or anything in a good looking way to people who may be interested.

Title Three

Gutenberg is really awesome! Ultimate Blocks makes it more awesome!

7. Notification Box

Do you want to add a simple box to notify users or highlight important information?

You can do so easily using this block.

You could add a notification box with the important information you want to highlight for the users. You can customize the box to appear in the color you want. Make sure that the color contrasts to stand out in your content.

This is notification box.

This is another one.

This is mainly for alert.

8. Testimonial

We all know the importance of a good testimonial to increase customer conversion or get more sales of your products or services.

And of course, you don’t want them to blend in your content.

Using the testimonial block, you can easily add testimonials to your pages and make them look amazing. You can customize the look of the testimonial block. You can change the background color or the color of the text.

Introducing Ultimate Blocks - The Best Gutenberg Blocks Plugin For Bloggers 3

Had left a negative review (with showing some of the issues I was experiencing) and the developer identified issue and update with a fix within 24 hours. Can’t ask for more.
This plugin should belong on every blog. (Check here)

John from Incomemesh

9. Click to Tweet

The Click to Tweet button is a great and simple way to increase the tweets you will receive for every post you publish. Highlight the important quotes in your post and display them in a tweetable box. Then with just a click from the user, they can share the tweet with a link to your post.

You can simply add the content of the tweet inside the box after you add the block in the Gutenberg editor. After that, you could add your handle and customize the block to lock as you want. You could change the color of the border or the color of the content to be displayed in the box to match your blog design.

Introducing Ultimate Blocks – The Best Gutenberg Blocks Plugins for Bloggers.

10. Social Share

You can’t expect to have people share your content with their followers if you don’t have social sharing buttons in your pages. You need to make it as easy as possible for people to share your content.

And with the social share block available in the Ultimate Blocks plugin, you don’t need to worry about this anymore. You can add the buttons you want, display them as you want, and change how they look to suit your blog design.

11. Countdown

Do you have a deal available for a product and want to display a countdown to show how long till the deal disappears? Or do you have a new product or feature and you want to add a countdown to display how long till the launch date for that product or that feature happens?

It is great to make it as an event and have people waiting for it to happen, just like how people wait for the release of a new Apple product.

You could do so easily by adding the Countdown Block in the Ultimate Blocks plugin editor. You can then have a beautiful and elegant countdown timer displayed on your page.

Choose the date and time and then choose how you want the time to look on the page. It is that simple.

12. Progress Bar

Want to add a progress bar in your page to show people how much they have finished? Maybe, add a progress bar in the lessons of your course to make them want to complete it?

Well, you could do that easily by using the progress bar block in the ultimate blocks plugin and change the color of it and the percentage as you want.

Criteria 1


Criteria 2


13. Star Rating

Want to simply add a star rating block without having a full review box?

You could do so easily using the Star Rating block available in the Ultimate Blocks plugin. Just give your rating between 0 to 5 stars. You could change the color of the stars as you want.

14. Button (Improved)

Although you already have a button block that comes with the Gutenberg editor, it doesn’t come with as much customization features as the ones that are present with the Button Block from this plugin.

You could customize the size of the button into 4 different sizes, choose whether you want the borders to be rounded or sharp angled, and you could also set the alignment as you want (center, left, right.)

You could also add the link that you want to send people to in the box below the plugin.

15. Divider

Want to add a divider line between any 2 blocks to separate them and make them more distinguishable? You could do this by using the Divider block.

You can adjust the height between the divider and other blocks, adjust the thickness of the line, and adjust the color as you want.

16. Image Slider

Want to add a simple image slider on your blog posts? Then this block is for you.

It lets you add a simple slider with captions. You can add links to the images as well. You can also enable/disable things like wrap round, dragging, page dots, and autoplay.

Getting Started With Ultimate Blocks

Ultimate Blocks is a free plugin. You can install it from the WordPress dashboard. The process is no different than most plugins you are using.

Just go to WordPress Dashboard > Plugins > Add New and search of Ultimate Blocks.

The very first result will be the Ultimate Blocks. Just click on ‘Install Now’ and activate the plugin.

Installing Ultimate Blocks

Or you could simply download the plugin from here.

After that, go to Plugins > Add New, and then click on the upload plugin button.

Uploading Plugin

Drop the .zip file there and you are good to go.

Once you’ve activated the plugin, you will land a page like this. Simply click on ‘Manage the Blocks’.

Manage the Blocks

On the next page, you can enable or disable blocks.

Enable or Disable Blocks

That’s it. Now you can edit or create new posts with Ultimate Blocks.


Having the Ultimate Blocks plugin in your arsenal will give you far more advantage over people who use the Gutenberg editor without it. It’ll give you more options to customize your post or page as you want and help you get the results you want.

It is simple to use, and it makes you need less plugins, which can then lessen your site loading time.

Install it now and use it on the next post that you will edit using the Gutenberg editor, and see the difference for yourself.

Now I’d like to hear from you.

Did you use the plugin? Tell me what you think about it in the comments below.


4 responses to “Introducing Ultimate Blocks – The Best Gutenberg Blocks Plugin For Bloggers”

  1. Yasar Arafath Avatar

    Congratulations brother on reaching 1k+ active installations. I just downloaded it and installed. I am damn excited to use it up on my blog posts.

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      Thanks brother. Great to know that. Let me know if you need help on anything regarding the plugin.

  2. Imam Uddin Avatar

    Hi Istiak,
    Thanks a lot for your awesome plugin!
    Great Job!
    -Imam Uddin

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      Glad you liked the plugin.

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