How to Add Facebook Popup Like Box In WordPress

Add Popup Facebook Like Box In WordPress

Facebook is the most popular social network. Almost every internet user has a Facebook account. This makes Facebook the best place to connect with the right audience.

If you have a blog/site, there is a chance that you have a Facebook page for your blog/site. And you might have already added Facebook Like box to your WordPress site. But you are getting very few likes.

One of the easiest ways to increase Facebook likes is, using Popup Facebook Like Box. I know it’s annoying, but it converts like crazy. If you want to increase Facebook likes quickly, use a Facebook Popup Like Box.

In this post, I am going to share how to add a Facebook Popup Like Box in WordPress.

[thrive_text_block color=”note” headline=””] Read: Top 7 Social Media Widget for WordPress Sidebar [/thrive_text_block]

Add Popup Facebook Like Box In WordPress

There are several WordPress plugins that let you add Facebook Popup Like Box in WordPress. I’ll be using Facebook Page Promoter Lightbox. It’s a free plugin. It will display a Facebook Like Box inside a lightbox. Follow these simple steps to add Popup Facebook Likebox.

1. At first, you need to install the plugin. Just go to WordPress Admin Panel and click on Plugins (1) > Add new (2).  Then search for the plugin “Facebook Page Promoter Lightbox” (3) and click on “Install Now” button (4).

Facebook Page Promoter Lightbox

2. Click on “Activate” button to activate the plugin.

Now you will notice a new tab named “Arevico Settings” on your dashboard. Go to that tab and configure the settings.

  • Facebook Page Url: Enter your Facebook page url.
  • Show On: Select where to show the like box.
  • Delay: Select how much time it should delay in appearing. (Note: 2000 ms = 2 seconds)
  • Show Once Every: Select the limit of displaying the popup on every x days per individual visitors.
  • Overlay Click: Check the box if you want the Popup box to be closed on overlay click.
  • Submenu: Check the box if you want to show this tab under “Settings” tab.
  • Performance: Go with default settings.

Arevice Settings

Then click on “Save Settings”.

3. That’s it. You are done.

Over to You

Hope this post helped you to add a popup Facebook Like box to your WordPress site.

If you found this post useful, help me by sharing this post on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+.

10 responses to “How to Add Facebook Popup Like Box In WordPress”

  1. Md. Anwar Sadat Avatar

    Thanks for sharing the great plugin with us. Recently by inspiring your article I have added this plugin in my site named Hope it will give me a good result

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      Hope so. Keep up the good work.

  2. Geeksvilla Avatar

    Is there any alternative to lightbox promoter? Because this plugin giving me error in my wp-admin. If similar features another plugin is available please share.

  3. Usman Avatar

    I was using this plugin and i am having a problem using it, its running fine but i want that that when a user click on like then next time popup doesn’t appear, can anyone tell me how can i do this?

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      Actually there is no such system that allows you hide this pop up from the people who liked your page before. All you can do is showing the Pop up for once in a week for single IP. To do this go to setting and set ‘Show every x days’ to higher like 7.

  4. Isaias Cardoso Avatar
    Isaias Cardoso

    Thank you for share. I use here http://www.universonline.inf and is working fine. that is good. (H)

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      That’s good. Stay Connected.

  5. Bipul Khan Avatar
    Bipul Khan

    Hmm, obviously this plugin helps increasing Facebook fans, Thanks for share :)

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      It will. But readers hate pop ups.

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