How To Add Facebook Like Box Widget In WordPress Blog

One of the easiest ways to increase Facebook likes is, adding Facebook Like Box to your WordPress Blog.

It requires only one click of your readers to like your Facebook page. And it’s the easiest way for readers to connect with you.

Adding a Facebook Like Box is extremely easy. While you can use a WordPress plugin like Facebook Like Box, I’d recommend you to do it manually.

Facebook offers Page Plugin that lets you create a Like Box for your Facebook page. Creating one is simple; it will take maximum 10 minutes. The Box will look like this

Also Read: Top 7 Social Media Widget for WordPress Sidebar

How to Add Facebook Like Box Widget to WordPress

Here’s the step-by-step guide (with screenshots) on how to add the Facebook Like Box to your WordPress blog:

1. At first, go to Facebook Social Plugin Page.

2. Now you need to enter your Facebook Page URL (1). Then do a click on the outside of the box and it will show a preview of your widget. You can show single or multiple tabs like timeline, events, and messages under the like box. Just type the tab name (2). To show multiple tabs, use a comma-separated list i.e. timeline, events.

You can specify Width (3) and Height (4) of the box. You can also use “Adapt to Plugin container width” (5) to fit the box inside the container width.

You can hide the cover photo (6) or use a small header (7). You can also select whether to show friend’s faces or not (8).

Facebook Like Box Plugin

3. Once you are happy with the setting, click on “Get Code”. A box will be popped up. You will get two options there – Javascript SDK and IFrame.  Select iFrame code and copy the given code.

Facebook Like Box Code

4. Now login to your WordPress dashboard. Then go to Appearance (1) > Widgets (2). Grab Text Widget and place it on your sidebar (3). And paste the code there (4).

Facebook Like Box WordPress Widget

That’s it; You are done. Now check your website, you’ll find a cool Like box on your sidebar. Hope you will get more likes than usual. The disadvantage of using this widget is it takes times to load. I think you will consider it for the sake of likes. After all, it is the best way to connect your visitors.

BTW if you like this tutorial don’t forget to click on my Like Box, cause I placed it for more likes lol.

Do let us know if you face any difficulties in placing this widget?  And let me know your experience about Like Box widget.

18 responses to “How To Add Facebook Like Box Widget In WordPress Blog”

  1. Mezbah Shuvo Avatar

    Great! I have done it. Thank you for the post :)

  2. Bilal Avatar

    how can we use dark scheme here?
    I want to add in dark, please tell me.

  3. Britta Petersen Avatar
    Britta Petersen

    Thank you for the easy way to set up this feature, but mine isn’t responsive.
    It doesn’t show on my Ipad or my Iphone

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      Currently, I am using 290*240 size. It works good on all devices.

      1. Britta Petersen Avatar
        Britta Petersen

        I have changed the size to 290*240, but it still doesn’t work on Ipad and Iphone.
        Can it be the theme – Thrive Rise?

        1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
          Istiak Rayhan

          Do it again by keeping “Adapt to Plugin container width” box unchecked.

          1. Britta Petersen Avatar
            Britta Petersen

            I have unchecked the the box, used 290*240, but it still doesn’t work.

            Can it be my Theme – Thrive – Rise

            1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
              Istiak Rayhan

              Can be. Contact with theme support.

  4. adeem Avatar

    This is very helpful for bloggers to set up a Facebook Like box in their side bars. Chances are your readers are your biggest fans so you should make it easy for them to Like your Facebook page. But adding the box isn’t automatic so this article will be very instructional for people to add this to their websites.

  5. Sanja Avatar

    Hello, is there any way to see if visitor already liked (cliked on like button) and in that case prevent the popup to show?
    If you know some good resources where I can find a solution I would be very greatfull. I ahd no luck to find it so far.

  6. Qasim Avatar

    Hi Istiak,

    Thank you so much for the detailed tutorial on how to add Facebook like box to your blog, Facebook like box will only help you increase your blog Facebook Fanpage fans but will also show your readers that you have presence on social media and give them more trust into your blog so it works in both ways; promoting your Facebook page and your blog.

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      Thanks for the comment.

  7. Okto Avatar

    Hi Istiyak,

    I wish I found this post before … I found a little issue making it, but now it’s solved. Adding like box in ourown blog is the easiest way to increase social awareness.


    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      I wish I could post this before ;). Yeah, this box is very helpful for social exposure.

  8. Taswir Haider Avatar

    Very detailed post. Another good idea to show a FB like box is with a pop-up when visitors land on your pages, still some visitors might not like it but it obviously helps.

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      Yeah, using pop-up box is also a good idea. But sometimes it annoys the visitors.

    2. Raplus Avatar

      I don’t think that using pop-up box is a good idea because most readers hate pop-up boxes.

      1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
        Istiak Rayhan

        It can be a good idea if you use it wisely like box will be pop up after few seconds, having simple box etc.

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