If you are running a WordPress blog, you might know how difficult it is to find a suitable social sharing plugin.
I’ve tried a lot of social sharing plugins and found myself switching plugins too often. If you are facing the same problem, read on.
After researching a lot of plugins, I was able to find some excellent plugins that made social sharing easier. In this post, I am going to share those plugins.
Here’s my list of 10 best social media sharing WordPress plugins for 2019.
1. Social Snap
Social Snap is relatively a new social sharing plugin in the market. But with so many features, it has already become the ultimate social sharing solution for WordPress. Professional bloggers like Harsh Agrawal, Adam Connell, and many more recommend this plugin.
With over 30 social networks to choose from, you can place share buttons almost anywhere you want.
- Floating Sidebar
- Inline
- On Media
- Share Hub & Stick Bar
- Widget & Shortcode

This plugin has everything you need to boost your social shares. Here are some of the awesome features:
- High Customizations: It allows you to customize different things like shapes, sizes, colors, and labels. You can also set animations for entrance and hover.
- Solid Social Proof: You can show both total and individual share counts. To prevent negative proof, you can set the minimum share count rule. You can also display your page views to enhance your social proof.
- Social Meta Tags: This feature allows you to set custom image, title and description for your blog posts to make posts look good on social media.
- Share Counts Recovery: This plugin makes share counts recovery insanely easy. If you lose your previous share counts because of changing permalinks or switching to SSL, you can recover them in a few clicks.
- Top Performing Posts Widget: You can show your best performing posts by adding this widget.
- Click to Tweet Boxes: It offers some beautiful click to tweet boxes that match your site’s design.
- Add-ons: The add-ons offered by this plugin makes it the ultimate social sharing solution for WordPress. Here are the addons –
It lets you share your new posts on Twitter and LinkedIn automatically.
It lets you share your old posts on Twitter & LinkedIn automatically.
It allows your visitors to log in using social accounts like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Google.
It lets you lock your content behind social sharing button to ask visitors to share your post.
Possible Cons:
I haven’t found any cons yet.
Social Snap has a free version that you can download from WordPress.org. Unsurprisingly, all of the important features are on premium version. You can buy the premium version for $39 for 1 site, $99 for 3 sites and $299 for 15 sites.
2. Monarch
Monarch is another great social sharing plugin. It’s created by Elegant Themes, the same folks who created the Divi theme.

The plugin is designed to make social sharing easy. With supporting over 20 social networks, it allows you to add social sharing button in 5 different locations.
- Sidebar
- Inline (Both above and below the content)
- Pop-up
- Fly-in
- Media (On videos and images)
The Pop-up and Fly-in buttons appear based on triggers like time delay, the bottom of the post, after commenting, upon scrolling, after purchasing, and after inactivity. For example, you can show the social buttons once the visitor reaches to the bottom of the page.
- Display Social Following: It lets you add ‘Social Follow Buttons’ in a widget area or anywhere by using a shortcode. You can choose from over 35 social networks. And the great thing is, you can show live follow counts.
- Easy To Configure & Customize: It’s very easy to configure the plugin and you can easily customize things like shapes, colors, and hover effects.
- Share Count Display Minimum: To avoid negative social sharing, you can set the minimum threshold that must be reached before showing the counts.
- Responsive & Fast: The social sharing buttons are fully responsive and readable on all devices. It also caches all share and follower counts to keep the page fast.
- Analytics: You can see your social statistics from analytics dashboard.
Possible Cons:
You need to authorize APIs to track social share counts or to recover the counts.
Monarch is a premium plugin that comes with Elegant Themes membership. That means you’ll need to purchase Elegant Themes membership to get the plugin which will cost you $89. But the great thing is, you will also get Divi Theme, Divi Builder, Bloom Email Opt-in, and more with the membership.
3. Easy Social Sharing Buttons
Easy Social Sharing Buttons is a sharing plugin used on over 500,000 websites and are the highest selling social sharing plugin on CodeCanyon.

The plugin supports 50 major social networks and comes with 55+ attention-grabbing templates. There are 30+ design positions to display sharing buttons with over 30 animation effects.
Here are some of the positions for the sharing buttons:
- Above, below or anywhere inside the content
- Floating bars
- Top or bottom bars
- Sidebars
- Pop-ups and fly-ins
- Dedicated WooCommerce displays
Easy Social Sharing Buttons have tons of features giving you the flexibility to display sharing buttons in any way you want.
- Unique Automatic Displays: You can choose different types of sharing buttons for different locations. The buttons can be set to display on certain events and are optimized for mobile devices.
- Pinterest Optimized: You can add a pin button to images or galleries. It even lets you add optimized Pin quotes and pinnable galleries with unlimited design options.
- Media Message Optimization Assistant: This lets you set up your social media message easily in real-time. The message preview will help you see how it will look like once it’s shared.
- Styles Design Hub: There are over 40+ design styles that you can apply to your website. This library is updated regularly and you can even add your own styles to the design hub.
- Social Proof Share Counters: This feature allows you to display social proof and protects you from losing your share counts. The plugin can recover share counts whenever the URL of the page is changed.
- WooCommerce Compatible: You can display beautiful share buttons on your WooCommerce store and products pages.
- Followers Counter: The followers counter comes with 19 templates, custom animations, and even a color customizer giving the best options at your hand.
- Statistics & Analytics: You can get a high-level overview of your sharing stats. This can help you find out the most popular posts and pages on your website.
Possible Cons:
The plugin has a learning curve because of the different customization options available in its dashboard.
You can get a regular license of Easy Social Sharing buttons for just $20. The regular license supports only one website and you’ll receive support for only 6 months.
4. Social Warfare
Social Warfare is another popular WordPress social sharing plugin. With over 900,000 downloads, this plugin lets you add beautiful sharing buttons on your website.

The plugin is responsive and fast so it doesn’t affect your loading time.
You can display sharing buttons on the following positions:
- Floating buttons
- Above and below content
- Social Proof: You can display share counters along with your sharing buttons as social proof. What’s even better is that you can recover share counts of different URLs even if you change your domain.
- Social Media Message: You can customize and control the message that’s shared when someone shares your content. You can change the title, description, and even the image.
- Highly Customizable: The plugin is highly customizable with over 500 customization options to match your website’s branding.
- Custom Tweets & Quotes: You can add custom tweets or shareable quotes to drive more social media shares.
- Twitter Cards: The plugin supports Twitter cards you can display them in your content as rich large summary cards.
- Analytics Integration: The plugin automatically adds a UTM tracking to every shared link allowing you to track your social shares via analytics.
Possible Cons:
The plugin was recently hacked and affected over 70,000 sites. Though the issue has been fixed, security is a bit of a concern with this plugin.
The plugin costs $29 for a single-site license and $89 for use on up to 5 sites. But, there is also a free version of Social Warfare available with limited features.
5. Social Pug
Social Pug is a free social sharing plugin for WordPress that supports various major social media platforms.

The plugin also supports different share button positions:
- Before and after content
- Floating sidebar
- Social share counts
- Popup share buttons
- 10+ Social Media Networks: The plugin supports major social networks along with StumbleUpon, Reddit, VK, Yummly, WhatsApp, Buffer, Telegram, Flipboard, Pocket, and Tumblr.
- Follow Buttons Widget: The plugin has a follow buttons widget which you can customize to display different social networks. You can use a shortcode to display the widget anywhere.
- Shareable Quotes: Just like other plugins, Social Pug also offers the click to tweet feature to let users easily share quotes from your website.
- Custom Social Media Message: You can customize the social media message for different networks by changing the descriptions and the images.
Possible Cons:
No cons found yet.
The plugin is available for free.
6. AddThis
AddThis is one of the simplest social sharing plugins for WordPress. You can connect over 200 social networks. The plugin is used by over 15,000,000 websites.

Here are the different type of sharing buttons you can use with AddThis:
- Floating share buttons
- Expanding share buttons
- Inline share buttons
- Image sharing buttons
- Responsive: The buttons are fully customizable and responsive to display on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.
- Coloring Options: There are coloring options available to help you match the color of the sharing buttons with your website’s brand colors.
- Over 200 Social Networks: You can connect over 200 social networks and display sharing buttons on your website.
- Analytics: With analytics, you can get insights into your social media performance.
Possible Cons:
No cons discovered yet.
The plugin is available for free.
7. Sassy Social Share
Sassy Social Share WordPress plugin allows you to connect over 100 networks for social sharing. The plugin is GDPR compliant and Gutenberg compatible.

The plugin supports the following share button positions:
- Standard share buttons
- Floating share buttons
- Share Counts: The plugin supports share counts for platforms such as Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Buffer, Reddit, and Pinterest.
- Button Customization: There are a lot of button customization options that let you specify share button shape, size, background color, and more.
- Widgets & Shortcodes: The plugin also offers widgets and shortcodes to display follow buttons anywhere on your website.
Possible Cons:
It slightly affects the loading time of the page.
The plugin is completely free to use.
8. MashShare
Inspired by the sharing buttons on the Mashable website, this plugin is an awesome sharing plugin for WordPress. The plugin is GDPR compliant and doesn’t affect the performance of your website.

- Social Share Count: You can display share counts as social proof. The plugin also gives the option to disable share counts.
- Easily Customizable: The plugin is easily customizable and you can drag and drop sharing buttons to enable or disable them.
- Shortcode Support: You can display share buttons and share counts anywhere on your website using shortcodes.
Possible Cons:
Most of the advanced features require you to install their add-ons.
The plugin is available for free.
9. AddToAny
AddToAny is another WordPress social sharing plugin that connects to over 100 social networks and lets you display sharing buttons on the following positions:
- Before content and after content share buttons
- Floating share buttons
- Image share buttons

- Custom Share Icons: You can use either the official share buttons or use your own custom share icons.
- Shortcode & Widgets: There are shortcodes and widgets available that let you display sharing buttons anywhere.
- Analytics Integration: The plugin integrates with Google Analytics, Bitly, and other URL shorteners.
Possible Cons:
No possible cons discovered yet.
The plugin is available for free.
10. Ultimate Blocks
Ultimate Blocks is not just a sharing plugin for WordPress. It’s a complete solution for Gutenberg users. There are a lot of blocks that come with this plugin. And, their social share block lets you display share buttons on your posts and pages.

- Customization Options: There are different customization options that let you change the size and shape of the sharing buttons.
- Various Social Networks: There are different social networks you can choose from to display on your website.
Possible Cons:
No cons found.
The plugin is available for free.
Conclusion: Which Is The Right Social Sharing Plugin For You?
So, we’ve covered all the best social sharing plugins for WordPress. But, which plugin is the best for you?
I’ve given recommendations based on different requirements. This will further help you choose the perfect sharing plugin for your website.
I’d recommend Social Pug as it’s the best free social sharing plugin for WordPress. Yes, many premium plugins have free versions but all their important features are available in the premium version only.
My vote goes to Social Snap as it has everything you’d need in a sharing plugin. There are different sharing button positions and the plugin is very customizable and simple to use.
At the price of $39 per year, it’s a great deal.
If you have any questions to choose the best sharing plugins, feel free to comment below.
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