23 Great Examples Of Good Blog Domain Names In Action

23 Great Examples Of Good Blog Domain Names In Action 1Having a good domain name can save you a lot of time in your journey to building a successful blog.

Yes, it is not enough to guarantee that your blog will be a hit, but it can sure help you along the way.

Use a wrong domain name, and you’ll make it hard to build a brand around your blog, thus hindering your growth.

And in the end, you may need to rebrand your domain which will cost you a lot in short to medium term.

So why not do it right from the beginning and choose the right domain for your blog?

As it’s not easy to find the right domain name, I am going to share some good domain name examples for inspiration.

1. Mashable

When Peter founded the site back in 2005, he called it this name because they were originally talking about tech “mashups.” For example, what would happen when you combine Flickr with Google Maps, and so on.

The name was unique, and the site then grew very quickly and became one of the top 25 blogs in 2009 according to Time magazine. Now they talk about everything related to culture, technology, and entertainment. They even talk about businesses and building it in this techy world.

2. Tech Crunch

One of the most popular tech blogs on the internet. They serve technology in crunches, making it easy to understand and giving you all the news and updates as soon as they happen.

It was acquired in 2010 by AOL for 25 million dollars.

TechCrunch is a great domain name example for a Tech Blog. I have a tech blog named TechThumbs.com. I got the inspiration from TechCrunch while naming the blog.

3. ShoutMeLoud

ShoutMeLoud is a blog that has a community of people called “Shouters” who help each other to break out of the 9-5 and broadcast themselves loudly using their blog.

It has grown widely, especially in India, to over 1.2 million page views per month. The blogs share information about everything related to starting a blog, growing it, and building a sustainable income out of it.

Harsh Agrawal, the founder of ShoutMeLoud, got this domain name idea while going to his office and when he saw the word “Shout” on a billboard. It’s an excellent example of a branded domain name.

4. NeilPatel

Named after the well-known marketer, NeilPatel.com has grown widely talking about every topic related to internet marketing.

Using his name, he can talk about all related topics to marketing as he wants. And his brand is increasing day by day which allows him to demand high figures for his speaking and consulting services.

He started with Quick Sprout (another good domain name) and focused there most of the time. But now that he is focused on building his personal brand, a wiser strategy would be focusing on building his own blog, thus increasing his value and commanding higher figures for the services he provides.

This domain name shows that you can use your name as a domain name and build a great blog.

5. RoadToBlogging

This is the blog that you are reading right now. I started my blogging journey with a technology blog named TechThumbs.com. While running that blog, I came to know about WordPress, Web Hosting, AdSense, SEO, etc. And I started writing those topics on that blog.

After several months, I realized that it’s not a tech blog anymore. And I decided to change the domain name. As I was sharing what I was learning throughout my blogging journey, I chose the name “Road To Blogging”. As per as I can remember, I got the inspiration from the word “Road To Peace”.

6. HealthAmbition

HealthAmbition was founded to help people live a healthy life in an easy way. The blog has grown rapidly in the health and fitness industry, which is very hard to break into.

And the domain is not very niched. They were able to niche out from juicing all topics related to health like cooking, and so on.

If you are in the health niche and want to cover several health-related topics, you can choose a domain like this.

7. Hongkiat

Founded by Hongkiat Lim, the owner used his first name to create this domain. He started talking about design and freelancing and then expanding later to talk about tech.

The best thing about having a unique name is, you can expand your niche and cover several topics. If you have that in mind, you should a choose a unique name.

8. ProBlogger

Founded by Darren Rowse in 2004, the blog has grown tremendously over the years, becoming the most popular blog about everything related to blogging and making money with over 8k posts.

It has a community of bloggers who want to be pro like Darren.

It was first problogger.net, and Darren resisted redirecting for a long time to the .com, but he did eventually. .Com always wins.

9. SetYourOffice

A great name that shows you exactly what you are going to get when visiting the blog, which is how to create a stylish and productive home office in your home.

Domain names like this sell themselves because you already know what to expect when visiting the blog. It’s an excellent example of a niche site domain.

10. SmartPassiveIncome

One of the simple yet effective domain names. We all want to learn how to create passive income smartly. Pat shows you just that in this blog that has grown over the years.

The blog earns multiple 6 figures every month. In the past 12 months, his blog has earned over $2,171,652. You can see how he earned his income in his income reports.

11. WPLeaders

Another blog that I own. You can use symbols that are known but not confusing to shorten the name like WP for WordPress. Anyone who sees it and knows about tech will understand what the domain is.

But make sure the symbol isn’t confusing.

By the way, you cannot use a brand name on your domain name. For example, using the word “WordPress” on your domain name will be a copyright violation.

12. PinchofYum

A cooking blog managed by Lindsey and Bjork. The name is a little bit clever, but you can still guess what the blog is about before seeing the homepage.

The blog has grown tremendously that they started to teach people how to start their food blog on FoodBloggerPro, which is another great domain.

13. NerdFitness

Created by Steve Kamb, this site focuses on fitness for nerds. At that time, no one was talking specifically for them.

Steve chose a group to cater to which he also belongs. And that is where this simple yet effective domain name came from.

He talks not just about losing weight, but also about getting stronger, living a better life, and everything related to the topic. The blog is intended for nerds and created specifically for them.

14. ThePennyHoarder

When reading the name, you already know that this is a personal finance blog. Created by Taylor Media Group, the site already averages 12-17 million visitors per month, with a staggering 1.2 Million subscribers.

It is named the #1 fastest growing private media company, thanks in part to the domain name and to the leadership of Kyle Taylor, the CEO.

15. MoneySavingExpert

Another blog that shows you what you are going to be after reading their blog, just like Problogger.

The site is popular, especially in the UK. It gets 15 million visitors every month with so many experts sharing tips and tricks on how to save money out of anything like credit loans, utilities and phone, banking, travel, insurance, shopping, income, and so on.

16. JustAGirlAndHerBlog

A creative name where Abby talks about all her interests in the same blog. She talks about blogging, decoration, organization, thoughts, and so on.

You can learn about all 4 subjects especially organization when visiting the blog. It is not for everyone, but her audience is uber engaged.

17. ScaryMommy

Founded by Jill Smokler in 2008, the blog is intended for the mom who is scared. They talk about everything related to pregnancy, kids (all ages), living (like health, love, and travel), beauty and parenting news.

The blog is intended for a specific demographic, and they share everything they need in their life.

18. ZenHabits

Founded by Leo Babauta, the blog shows you how to have the zen and minimal life. You can find that from everything in the brand like the design and so on.

The blog has grown to become one of the most followed blogs on the internet with over 2 million readers.

As Leo describes it, “Zen Habits is about finding simplicity and mindfulness in the daily chaos of our lives.”

19. PetaPixel

Created in 2009 by Michael Zhang, the blog talks about everything related to photography. It talks about news related to cameras and lenses, equipment review, and tutorial to help you become a better photographer.

The blog has 9.5 million page views per month.

20. TheCrazyProgrammer

Established by Neeraj Mishra, the blog is clearly intended for programmers who are a little bit crazy about programming. It covers programming languages like C++, Java, PHP, Python, Android, .ASP and many others.

The name is not niched down, so you can talk about any topic related to programming.

21. GardenLady

Created by a lady who loves gardening and wants other ladies to have their own gardens. She built a successful business on this topic, having a coaching and consulting service, and publishing 7 books.

The domain is simple that you know for whom it is targeted.

22. FoodTruckr

Created by Pat Flynn, the blog is intended for food truckers. Pat didn’t add the word ‘e’ as he wanted to create a brand and prevent being sued by anyone who uses the main name in their domain names.

He talks about how to make your truck stand out and be talked about in the market.

23. List25.Com

The blog is all about list posts founded by Syed Balkhi.

The blog talks about a lot of different topics finding and sorting out information about almost any topic.

As they say in their about page, “List25 combines the pursuit of interesting and intriguing facts with the innate human desire to rank and list things.”

The purpose of sharing these domain names is to give you an idea about good domain names. So just take ideas. Don’t copy any of these domain names.

Also Read: 10 Tips For Choosing A Good Domain Name For Your Blog


So these are the domain names from which you can take inspiration for your next blog name. Here’s the quick preview of the domain names.

You need to spend a decent amount of time to think and find a domain name like this. So take your time.

Hope this post provides you with some great inspiration for your blog domain name.

Now use it as inspiration and choose your domain name wisely.

Tell us how did you get the idea for your domain name.

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7 responses to “23 Great Examples Of Good Blog Domain Names In Action”

  1. Heris Avatar

    Thanks for the inspiring article. This clarifies that 3-word names do work ((SetYourOffice, SmartPassiveIncome, MoneySavingExpert ).

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      Yes, it works.

  2. Harsh Agrawal Avatar

    Hey Istiak,
    Glad to see ShoutMeLoud into the list. More power to you :)

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      Glad to see your comment here :)

  3. Apon Babu Avatar

    Got some awesome idea that, how to choose a good domain name. can you review my blog and IT company Domain name? Blog name: dmrush.com and my IT firm Domain name is digitalwiser.net . Is this names are brandable?
    Thanks Istiyak

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      Yes, they are brandable. But it’s wise to use .com rather than .net.

      1. Apon Avatar

        glad to hear that, you have reviewed it. :)

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