How to Create A Privacy Policy For Your Blog In Just Minutes

Create A Privacy Policy For Your Blog

Like a business, every blog should have a privacy policy that represents the legal aspects of the blog. If you are a blogger, you might have noticed that every professional blog has a privacy policy page.

A privacy policy page contains legal aspects of your blog, and it helps your readers to know about how the blog collects its data and how you monetize the blog.

If you want to monetize your blog with Google AdSense or Amazon Affiliates, you should know that both programs require a privacy policy page on your blog that discloses how you collect, use and store data from visitors and use cookies.

I’ve heard that a lot of people didn’t get AdSense approval because of not having a privacy policy. This is the same for other Ad Networks. And Amazon Affiliate Program also requires a privacy policy. So it’s crucial to have a privacy page for your blog.

There are many other advantages of having a privacy page for your blog. Some of them are:

  • Most online people like privacy as they are sharing personal info (Like Email) with you.
  • It helps your readers or users to know what you do with their data.
  • It is required by third-party websites and ad servers.
  • Having a privacy page represents that you respect the privacy.

Making or writing a privacy page is not an easy task if you want to do it by a lawyer. You have to pay some extra cash to your lawyer. But there’s a better and easy way. You can use Online Blog Privacy Policy Generator to make your privacy policy page.

In this post, I’ll show you how to create a privacy policy for blog using

[thrive_text_block color=”note” headline=””] Note: If you are in a hurry and want to create a privacy policy for your website quickly, go to this website and provide your site information and advertising networks. Then click on “Generate Privacy Policy”.[/thrive_text_block]

However, if you have time, you should follow the below guide to create a custom and effective privacy policy.

How To Create Privacy Policy For Your Blog is the best online privacy policy generator, which helps over 500,000 sites to generate their privacy policy. To create a privacy policy, you have to give answers to some questions. It will help them to customize the policy according to your needs.

Now follow these simple steps.

1. At first, go to and click on “Free Privacy Policy” button.

Free Privacy Policy

2. On the next page, you need to give answers to some easy questions. After giving all answers, click on “Next” button.

Privacy Policy Questions 1

3. Then you need to provide answers about what kind of personal information you collect from your blog and what you do with the information. And click on “Next” button.

Privacy Policy Questions 2

4. The next step is very important if you collect credit card information. You will be asked about PCI complaint, Malware scans, and SSL certificate. All of these are important to protect credit card information. If you don’t collect credit card information, you can check on ‘No’ and give the reasons.

Then click “Next”.

Privacy Policy Questions 3

5. Then you will be asked whether you use cookies or not. If you check ‘Yes’, you need to answer why you use cookies.

6. Now you need to give information about third-party disclosure.

7. The next step is about Google AdSense. It’s a very important step if you monetize your blog with Google AdSense or want to be Google AdSense Publishers.

8. Then it will ask you to be compliant with CalOPPA. It means California Online Privacy Protection Act. If anyone from California visits the site, then the CalOPPA requires a privacy policy.

Once you are compliant with CalOPPA, it will ask if you specifically market to children under 13.

9. Then it will ask you to be compliant with the FTC’s Fair Information Practices.

10. On the next page, you need to provide your contact information to be compliant with CAN-SPAM. You also need to provide additions CAN-SPAM questions.

11. Now enter your name and email address. And it will take you to a Congratulations page. Go to the bottom of the page and click on “Continue” button.

If FreePrivacyPolicy offers anything, ignore this for now and click on the “No, Thanks” link. And click on “Continue” button again.

And finally, download the Free Privacy Policy.

Download Free Privacy Policy

It’s a .htm file.

12. Copy the Privacy Policy text and go to your WordPress Dashboard.

Click on Pages > Add New. Give the Page title as “Privacy Policy” and paste the privacy policy text in the editor. Publish the page and add the page link to blog footer.

You can check our Privacy Policy here:

Also Read: How To Create A Contact Page For Your WordPress Blog


Hope this post helped you to create a Privacy Policy for your blog. If you found this post useful, help me by sharing this post on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+.

However, if you have any question regarding this, feel free to ask us via comment. Also, let us know if you’ve used any other Privacy Policy Generator tools.

44 responses to “How to Create A Privacy Policy For Your Blog In Just Minutes”

  1. Wizmike111 Avatar

    Thanks for this wonderful piece of information
    It was really helpful

  2. Gabriel Avatar

    It’s been taking like forever to write a privacy policy page for my blog but after reading your post here I was able to get one quickly.. Thanks for sharing this wonderful tips Rayhan

  3. Tabitha Avatar

    WOW, what a helpful article. I’ve been dreading making a privacy policy forever, thinking that it would take ages of research and a whole legal team. So nice to see that it can be done in just a few minutes with this site. Thanks for the helpful advice!


    Thanks for this post. The advice you gave as helped me to work on my privacy policy. Thanks a lot

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      Glad I could help.

  5. Vrushali Avatar

    If you are any kind of blogger, it is compulsory that you write a privacy policy for your blog. This is a method to present the uniqueness of your blog aside from some other significant benefits that are attached to it.

    The advantages of a privacy policy for any website: 1. it makes your readers trust you & 2. It protects you from any claims. A valid privacy policy page on your blog is a way to explain your clients that you are dedicated to the purposes that are useful to them, such as responsibility and transparency.

    These features like privacy policy will automatically encourage you to build a great relationship with your readers. And you stand a chance of growing your customer support with the appropriate privacy policy as well as defending your company from being practiced as a channel for fraudulent uses.

    Thanks for sharing such valuable info with us, I am going to update it again on my site.

  6. Amanda Avatar

    I have not launched my blog yet, still researching! This is exactly what I was looking for. My question, I plan to try to get google adsense and amazon on blog, do I do privacy policy first or wait til ads start? Thanks!!!

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      Add privacy policy first. Let me know if you have any other questions.

  7. Pronob Avatar

    I have just created mine. I should inform all that some new features are added to this process. So read carefully and make your own.

  8. God'swill Avatar


    I really found this post helpful, I did all the necessary steps recommended to create the free privacy policy but I’m having trouble downloading the file.
    Is there anyway you can help me?

  9. Saneesh VS Avatar
    Saneesh VS

    It was really a great post. I used this method to create Privacy Policy for my site. Thank you.

  10. Abhishek Avatar

    Hi there,

    Thanks, bro, you have made my work easier. I was writing it manually. But now I realize it is so easy to get a private policy for your site. But, if same private policy is used by many sites, does it will create some issue, i.e., copy content??

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      It’s not going to be a big problem. But you can consider making privacy policy page noindex.

  11. SM Nuruzzaman Avatar

    Dear Istiak,
    I’ve to say I was blind, now I see. Really, I didn’t know about this awesome solution for creating a privacy page.

    BUT I’ve a few concerns regarding this –

    – As the site offers preset templates and these (at least some portions of many users) may be same for more than one person, won’t this be a problem for duplicated content?

    AND Amazon associate program doesn’t require a privacy policy page on blogs for its approval (I got approved though I didn’t have a privacy page).

    By the way, having a privacy policy page means that you’re concerned about your readers’ privacy. So every blog should have one as more or less, every blog tries to build email list.

    Finally, I’m ending with a follow up question (this may be a personal one I guess!) – did you create your privacy policy page from the same site?


    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      1. It won’t be a big problem.
      2. Getting Amazon Associates approval is easy. But it gets stricter when you start generating sales. Amazon mentioned about Privacy Policy here:
      3. One Privacy policy is enough.
      4. Yes, I’ve used the same tool.

  12. Palashtd Avatar

    Hi Istiak,
    This post is awesome. But I have an another question that will be off topic from this post. My question how to upload your blog post ‘image’ on your blog or what is it..
    Please help me which methods is the best for the uploading image on my blog. Which methods are you using?


    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      It’s Photon feature of Jetpack plugin.

      1. Palashtd Avatar

        Thanks for your reply.

  13. entadaplace Avatar

    This is probably the most helpful piece I’ve ever found on the internet. Not only I was able to get a nice privacy policy page, but I also got a great terms and conditions page. I am still to re-apply for Google Adsense though. I want to make sure my Alexa ranking reaches less than 400k. In case, you have any other tip. I own an entertainment blog for over four years, and I’ve not made a penny online.

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      Adsense is not the only monetizing technique for the blog. There are other ways. You can try Adsense alternatives or affiliate marketing.

  14. jawad mehmood Avatar
    jawad mehmood

    Hi istiak,

    Thanks for useful information about privacy policy page, Now i will make privacy policy page for my blog. From last 30 days i have learned many things about seo from you blog. Keep it up


    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      Glad I could help. Let me know if you need any helps.

  15. Rashedul islam Avatar
    Rashedul islam

    Hello, Really helpful post.
    Can you make a post on how to make terms and conditions page?

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      Glad I could help. I’ll try to write a post about Terms & Conditions Page. Stay connected.

  16. Pawneshwer Gupta Avatar
    Pawneshwer Gupta

    There is no option to create privacy policy on Serprank. Please check Serprank yourself now, and tell me what to do.
    or provide me another best site.

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      I’ve just checked it and it worked for me. Visit

  17. vivek rawat Avatar
    vivek rawat

    Can you please let me know how to add a page to the footer. I want to add the privacy policy page to footer.

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      Go to your WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets and add a Text widget on Footer.

  18. Ahsan khan Avatar
    Ahsan khan

    this is really great post to help me . i am blogger but have no idea about it . that how much it is important to get google adsens . love you dear to post here

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      Glad you find it useful.

  19. amit sihan Avatar
    amit sihan

    hi dear
    such a very nice post these are imaging details and fact to create privacy policy real dear great article i have learn lots of things from here because i am daily visitor of your site but can you help me how i can get organic traffic on website. thanks for sharing and for inspire me.

  20. Yeasmin Akter Avatar

    Hi Istiak thanks for this easy and useful post. Today I’m create a privacy policy page to follow your post.

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      Glad I could help.

  21. Bui Hong Diep Avatar

    Thanks Istiak Rayhan

    I have just added privacy policy page to my blog. Your contents simple and useful !

  22. Jhon Synthi Avatar
    Jhon Synthi

    Thanks for sharing the good post. I will add privacy policy page my blog and hope this will help me more.

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      Good to know that it helped you.

  23. Kiran Chikkala Avatar
    Kiran Chikkala

    Thanks for the post explaining the importance and value of Privacy Policy for a website/blog. But i Would suggest you people to check for a more detailed and step by step wizard for generating Privacy Policy which is accepted as the internet standards.

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      Thanks for your suggestion.

  24. Ehsan Ullah Avatar
    Ehsan Ullah

    Hey Istiak, Thanks for sharing an awesome to way to create privacy policy page. I do use an automatic privacy policy generator tool for my blog.

    Thanks for it BTW.

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      Yes, Using automatic privacy policy generator is the best way for creating a privacy policy page.
      Thanks for your comment.

  25. Melanie Legaspi Avatar

    Hi Istiak,

    I never thought about creating a privacy policy page. After I read your post I feel like I should create one now, thanks for the tip!


    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      Glad to know that this post encouraged you to create a privacy policy page.

  26. Khaja moin Avatar
    Khaja moin

    Privacy page is very important and initially ignored it.
    Now I have.
    Creating a privacy page is made very easy now.

    Thanks for the post, very helpful for beginners.


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