[This post is part of the WordPress Guide for Beginners – Step by Step Tutorials]
You have created your blog to share your thoughts, ideas, knowledge with other people. To make it happen, at first you have to create blog posts which will contain your thoughts and knowledge.
As you have chosen WordPress Platform, it is much easier to create blog post than you THINK. Let’s check this quick guide…
How to Create New Blog Posts
Once you’ve installed WordPress blog, now you need to login your WordPress Dashboard from where you can publish your posts, create new pages, install new themes etc.
To login your WordPress Admin Panel go to:
Just put your correct Username and Password, click on Log In button.
Once you’ve logged in your Dashboard. Just Click on “Add New” from ‘Post’ under Dashboard. (Follow Screenshot).

Your writing panel will be like this. Click on “Visual”.

Post Title: This is the name of your post. For example you are going to write a post about how you create your blog, then your post title will be like this
How to Create a WordPress Blog or How I Create my First WordPress Blog
Post URL: This is the address of your post. Whenever you write your Post Title, WordPress will generate a automatic URL for you. If your title is “How to Create a WordPress Blog” then your URL will be http://yourdomain.com/how-to-create-a-wordpress-blog. But you can customize it by clicking on Edit.
Post Content/Body: It refers the body of your post. That means what actually you want to write on your post.
Add Media: If you want to add media like Image then click on ‘Add Media’ button. You can add image from you desktop or from Media Gallery.
ToolBar: It contains some tools for formatting your contains. You might have notice this bar in Microsoft Word.
You can make your text bold, italic etc with toolbar. You can also make bullet list, align your text, hyperlink etc.
Before we move to the publishing blog post here is some thing you need to know.
#1 Putting Post on Proper Category
You will write different types of posts on your blog. Categories help you to group related post together. Proper categorization helps your reader to find your content.
You can select a proper category from right site of writing panel. You can also make new category from there. Just click on the + Add New Category.
#2 Adding Tags
Tag is similar to category, but more specific. It is optional.
Just put some keywords related to your post with commas on tags. Click on ‘Add’.
Read: WordPress Post Tags – What? How? Why?
#3 Adding Featured Image
It is also optional. But if you want to add an Image as thumbnail for your post then you can use it. Just click on ‘Set featured image and select a photo from your desktop.
Once you’ve done, now time to publish your post. Before publishing you can see the preview of your post. just click on the ‘Preview’ and it will open in a new tab.
You can also save your post in draft to publish it later. So once you think your post is completed, click on Publish.
Go to your blog and check your new post. Then start sharing it with your friends.
Ok, That’s it. Good luck with your first blog post. If you find this post useful consider sharing it with your friends.
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