Read This If You Are Using Default Admin Username In WordPress


A basic WordPress installation comes up with a default username like “admin” if you don’t specify the username while installing.

If you are using “admin” as username, you can be an easy target of hackers. Whenever a hacker tries to gain access to your blog, the very first thing s/he will do is trying to crack the password with the username “admin”.

Most of the time hackers use some automated tools to access your site using usernames like ‘admin’, ‘yoursite’, ‘yourname’, etc. This is called Brute Force Attack.

So if you are using ‘admin’ or something that easy to guess as for your WordPress Username, I highly recommend you change your username ASAP. And Don’t forget to use a strong password.

How To Change Admin Username In WordPress

By default, WordPress won’t allow you to change the username.


Previously we used to change the username by creating a new Administrator account and deleting the old username. But it has a risk. If you delete the old account without attributing all posts to the new username, you may end up loosing all your blog posts.

To make things easier, we will be using a plugin named “Username Changer” to change WordPress username.

You can delete the plugin after changing the username.

Now let’s see how to change admin username in WordPress using the plugin.

1. At first, install and activate the plugin “Username Changer.


2. Once you’ve activated the plugin, go to “Username Changer” from Users tab in WordPress dashboard.


3. Then enter a new username and click on “Save Changes.”


That’s it. Your username has changed. Now log back to your WordPress dashboard with the new username.

As I said earlier, you can delete the plugin now.

Hope this tutorial helped you to change your default username quickly.

Do let us know if you face any difficulties on any steps. And don’t forget to share this post on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus.

4 responses to “Read This If You Are Using Default Admin Username In WordPress”

  1. Sinan Avatar

    Hi Istiak,

    Good tutorial! The way you explained is awsome.

    However changing administrator username now become more easy than before with the help of a plugin called “Admin Renamer Extended”. You dont need to create another user and assign him admin role instead you can directly rename the default user “admin” to whatever you wish.

    I have explained the steps in my blog

    I believe it will add value to your post


    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      Thanks for sharing the post.

      BTW is it ok if I deactivate the plugin once I’ve change my username?

      Otherwise Using another plugin just to change the username is not a good idea.

      1. Sinan Avatar can deactivate or even uninstall the plugin once you have used it..WP set the modification to the username in stone!

  2. Harmeet singh Avatar

    Hi Istiak this post is really very helpul for newbie who doesn’t know about these complicated changes.Thanx for sharing this post….(y)

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