What to do If you Accidentally Delete your Blog Post?

How annoying it is when you see that half of your post content have been deleted after publishing or updating your post. I found it very troublesome. Yesterday I edited one of my post to add some important information. When I done my work and clicked for preview I saw half content of post has vanished.

I still wonder what happened to my post. That time I was reading an article named “World-shaking events ….. 20, which is not true, you can never know” where discussed about New World Order, Area 51, HAARP etc. Meanwhile when I updated my post I realized that 21st world shaking events happened with me that half of my post vanished without any reason. I realize that I should not do other task while editing my post.

I believed that it was WordPress’s fault and not mine ;). However I recovered my post from Google’s cache. Now I will show you some method to recover deleted post. Here we go.

How to Recover Deleted Post

Method 1 (Google’s Cache)

If Google Indexed your deleted post then you can recover it from cache. Search for your post by title (“site:sitename.com: post title”). Once you find the result, move your mouse cursor to the right side of the result and you will find 2 arrow sign. Click on it. You will notice a ‘Cached’ after the link of the post. Click on ‘Cached’ and you will find your deleted post. recover deleted blog post Method 2 (Way Back Machine)

If your post is very old you will find it in Archive.org. Just visit the site Way Back Machine. Enter your site and click on ‘Take Me Back’ .

recover deleted blog postAfter submitting your site you will find a results page like the below one. Find your post by selecting date.

recover deleted blog post

Method 3 ( WordPress Trash)

You may find your deleted post on trash. Just login your WordPress dashboard and click on Posts under dashboard. Check whether your deleted post is on trash or not.

recover deleted blog post

Method 4 (Feed Burner)

You may get full or a part of your blog post from feed burner. It depends on whether you have set your blog feed full or short. If you have set blog feed to full, you will be able to recover your full post with images.

If you subscribed to your Feedburner newsletter, then you find the post on your inbox. Just do a search on your inbox.

Read: How to Remove a Post from Google FeedBurner

If your post has been deleted before publishing then above methods won’t work for you. Here is a solution regarding this by John Crenshaw. He shared post about how to Recover Deleted Posts Using Firefox Cache.

I think these are the easiest ways to recover your blog posts. If you have any other tricks to recover deleted blog post don’t forget to share via comments.

11 responses to “What to do If you Accidentally Delete your Blog Post?”

  1. Chanel Avatar

    I love the Wayback Machine! Thanks for sharing :D

  2. Kasa Avatar

    Wow. Thanks so much. Didnt know I can get post back with google cache.

    Almost started to write it again.

    This was very helpful

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      Glad you found it helpful.

  3. Taswir Haider Avatar

    Thanks Raihan for this wonderful tips. I have just recovered one deleted post through Google cache.

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      Glad I could help. Good to see you after a long time.

  4. Richard Avatar

    Great info. I did recover my blog with your instructions.

    Thanks a lot.


  5. Amol @ Connectamol Avatar
    Amol @ Connectamol

    I think it’s really a great way to restore our posts. Thanks for sharing.

    From ConnectAmol.

  6. Shahzad Avatar

    I did not delete any posts accidentally yet. But especially if anyone’s blog got hacked, Google cache will definitely help to find the old posts.

    Thanks for sharing this.

  7. collizo4sky Avatar

    thanks for this info. a ran into this problem now i google and find my way to ur site

  8. Afy Khan Avatar
    Afy Khan

    Thank u soo much!! I recently deleted my blog post and even I got so annoyed! Thanx 4 the helpful article buddy!=)

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      Thanks for the comment.

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