How to Put a Link on PowerPoint Presentation That Generates Clicks

Whenever you upload a presentation on social content networking sites like SlideShare, you always want some exposures from your slides. If you want to get the most out of your slides, then you should consider putting a clickable link on your presentation. This link may  contain the URL of your website/blog, Landing Page, Social Media Profiles, a link of your another presentation or whatever you want.

In this post I will show how you can put a link on your PPT Presentation file. And how to get clicks from the link.

How to Put a Link on PowerPoint Presentation

1. You can put a link on Text or Image. First of all, select the text or image where you want to add the link from Microsoft PowerPoint. Do right click and click on ‘Hyperlink’.

PowerPoint Hyperlink

2. Then a box will pop up. On the field Address, type your desire URL. Click on OK.

Putting Link on Powerpoint

3. If the color of link has been changed and become blue and underlined, this means it worked.

Link Added to the PowerPoint
That’s it. You are done. Now run your presentation and check whether the link is working or not.

And How to Generate Clicks (Visitors)

Having a live link on your presentation is not enough to generate clicks. Most of the time people cannot understand there is a link on the presentation. To solve this problem, you can do the following things

Add Arrow Toward the Links – If you add an arrow sign, it will definitely grab the reader’s attention and he’ll discover the link.

Put your URL – I mean don’t hide the link with text. For example, use RoadtoBlogging.Com on the text. Even if readers miss the link, they will insert it on browser.

Use Call to Action – You can use call to action words like ‘Click Here’, ‘Read More’, ‘Check this’ etc.

Hope now you’ll be able to add hyperlink on your power presentation and generate clicks to your site from the presentation. If you like the post, don’t forget to share it on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus.

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