Infolinks: Best In-Text Advertising Program

infolinksOne of the amazing things about make money blogging is, you can monetize your blog in many ways.

When I started blogging, Adsense was the only known monetization way to me. But it wasn’t easy to get approved by Adsense  with a new blog.

At that time, I stared looking for Adsense alternatives. I tried lots of advertisement programs. After trying several programs, I found that most of them aren’t that impressive. Infolinks was the program that seemed interesting to me.

In this post, I am going to share an overview of Infolinks. Hope it will help you to get started with Infolinks.

What is Infolinks? How does it Work?

Infolinks is an online advertising network that helps website owners to monetize their websites with smart ad units  and advertisers to reach their target audience. This company was founded in 2007 with a view to deliver greater revenue to publishers and higher levels of performance for advertisers.

Infolinks works a lot differently than other advertising companies.  It has 4 different types of ad units – InFrame, InSearch, InTag and InText. All of them were designed to overcome banner blindness. Intext is the most popular ad unit. It will look like a normal link (random words are selected and underlined) to your readers. When the visitors point the mouse over it, an advertisement would pop up. You will get paid for both views and clicks.

You can see infolinks ad demo here.

Infolinks Vs Adsense. Can You Use them on Same Page?

Infolinks is a bit different from Adsense. Mainly because it shows ads differently. While Adsense uses a separate box to display ads, Infolinks does it within hyper-linked text of your site’s content. As a result, you can use them on the same page.

You can consider Infolinks as an Adsense alternative. Getting approved by Infolinks is easier than Adsense. Even if you have an Adsense on your blog, you can use Infolinks safely with Adsense which will surely increase your revenue. Here at RoadToBlogging, I use InText and InTag ad with Adsense.

Infolinks Products – What type of Ads they serve?

As I said Infolinks is little bit different from other networks, it offers 4 different types of ads which are completely different from other networks.

Here are the Ads they provide:

1. InFold

InFold serves Ads relevant to what users are searching for and it will help you to increase revenue from search engine traffic.

It will be displayed as a floating banner from the bottom of your blog when needed. Infolinks claims that it will reduce your bounce rate and improve your SEO by providing an alternative to users.

Let’s see how it works.

2. InText

This is the most popular ad unit. This ad will be displayed within hyper-linked text of your blog post. Whenever users point the mouse over it, ad will be poped up.

You can customize the Ad links according to your site’s color.

infolinks intext ads

3. InTag

This one is my personal favorite. It will be displayed a set of keywords related with your content as an attractive tag cloud. You can customize it as per your web design.

infolinks intag ads

4. InFrame

This type of ad will utilize unused screen margin of your blog. Some of your visitors might have big size screen. Infolinks detects when the browser window is wider than your site and inserts ads.

infolinks inframe ads

How to Get Started With Infolinks 

At first, you will have to create an account with Infolinks.

Just go to and click on ‘join us’ from upper right. You can create account by connecting your Facebook account or with your Email.

Then they will review your website and approve it in next 24 hours if your site fulfills Infolinks standards.

Once your site has been approved by Infolinks, you’ll need to integrate Infolinks on your site.

Integrating Infolinks is very easy. Just login to your account and click on ‘Integrate’ from header. Then choose your site & platform and follow the instructions. It offers easy integration for the platforms WordPress, Blogger, Drupal & Joomla.

WordPress users can do it by using Infolinks plugin.

infolinks integration

Once you’ve integrated Infolinks in your blog, now it’s time to add Infolinks Ad units on your blog. Just click on ‘Customize’ from header and select Ad units from the left bar. You can customize ad according to your site’s design.

infolinks customize ads

You will find Infolinks ads on your blog within 5 minutes.

Infolinks Payment Options – How will you Get Paid?

Infolinks offers several ways for publishers to receive payments: Paypal, Bank wire, eCheck, Western Union, ACH (Only for U.S. Accounts) and Payoneer.

You will get your payments as soon as your earning have reached the minimum payment threshold of $50 or $100 if you chose a Bank Wire or Western Union Transfer. They issue payments no later than 45 days.

You can set up your payment setting here. Before doing that I would suggest you to take a look on the fee.

  • ACH – No fees
  • eCheck – $6 (plus 2% conversion fees if applicable)
  • Payoneer – No fees
  • PayPal – $1 for US residents and 2% (up to $10) for all other publishers
  • Western Union – $15 minimum fee

What I Like About Infolinks

  1. Getting approved by Infolinks is easier than Adsense.
  2. You can use it with other Ad Networks. (Adsense, Bidvertiser)
  3. It’s easy to customize Infolinks ads and easy to implement.
  4. Easy money withdrawal. You need not to wait for check.
  5. It supports PPC, CPC, CPM advertising model.
  6. Infolinks ads were designed to overcome banner blindness.
  7. It serves relevant ads according to your keywords.
  8. Easy to use dashboard.
  9. They provide great online support.
  10. You can ask Infolinks to join their affiliate program.

So that’s all about the Infolinks advertising networks. Do let us know what do you think about Infolinks. If you are using Infolinks on your blog, share your experience with us. Leave a comment below.

10 responses to “Infolinks: Best In-Text Advertising Program”

  1. Sheetal Avatar

    Dear Istiak,
    Thanks for sharing a wonderfully explained article on Infolinks.
    My Blog is in Hindi. I’ve been wiring articles in Hindi Language.
    Do you really think that any of the Infolinks’ ad units is going to be of any help for me?
    Can you please suggest me something about it.
    I’ll highly appreciate your kind efforts & time.

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      No, Infolinks ads don’t perform well on local sites.

  2. shiv kumar Avatar

    I have personally used Kontera and Infolinks on a site that gets fairly good traffic (about 1k unique per day). As my site is a forum, it grows in traffic over time and provides about 3000 impressions per day average.
    The problem with Infolinks is that as they start you off paying well, however in time they will drastically cut you down to size after a few months. You can find a lot more reviews on the net about InfoLinks about how the ad rates start off well for publishers then drops down to about 1 cent per click, 2 cents if you are lucky!

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      Thanks for sharing your experience.

  3. Rahul Yadav Avatar
    Rahul Yadav

    Infolinks is the best alternative to Adsense really, I use it on my blog, they pay

  4. luan Avatar

    Hi Istiak! Thanks for advices but I like to work and with adsense but I’m new Can you have a look in this blog and to say me what does I do because adsense sys that my blog doesn’t qualify but i don’t know the reason.
    Thanks Luan

  5. Vishwajeet Kumar Avatar

    Hi, Istiak, Nice review. Though I am a former affiliate of Infolinks and used it on my few blogs. But I must admit that their CPC is very low from past one years and it is really painful to generate income from it. I am currently With Adsense And Make $20 per day average.

    1. Istiak Rayhan Avatar
      Istiak Rayhan

      If Adsense works for you, stick with it. But you can consider using Infolinks with Adsense to increase revenue as it works with Adsense.

  6. Rafaqat Avatar

    At the beginning I was totally monetizing my blog with Google Adsense, but now I have come to know the importance of this ad system, the special thing that i got is their eCPM system. Hope so it will work better in the future too.
    Thanks for your detailed ifo about infolinks.

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